
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Abriendo Regalos de Navidad / Opening Christmas Presents

Verlos tan felices... esa es mi pasion.  Upppppssss! Se me olvidó ponerles payamas bonitas… y peinar a Yamil. Aprendí lo de las payamas de mi querida prima Ivelise. Te extraño un montón!
To see my kids happy... that is my passion.  Ooopppsss! I forgot to make them wear cool pijamas... and to brush Yamil's hair on the back.  I learned about the pijama thing from my dear cousin Ivelise. Miss you sweetie!!!


  1. Just stopped to say hi! Your blog is fantastic, and you started this month. Congrats!

  2. THANKS Natasa!!! Your's been very INSPIRING. I love your trays and how you decorated the blog.
    Oh, and all the info and links you have emailed me are awesome. You're the GREATEST.

  3. Oh, don't mention it. I'm glad when I can help :-)


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