
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Contando Palitos de Madera / Counting Wooden Sticks

No tenia planificado comenzar a usar los numeros en esta semana ya que queria que Ym dedicara tiempo a contar solamente objetos que encontraramos en el hogar. Queria estar segura de que sabia contar del 1-10 sin problemas. Pero el chico encontro esta pizarra con numeros y letras de Melissa & Doug que habia comprado como en noviembre. Y decidi aprovechar el interes que mostraba con los NUMEROS. Este interes NO lo tenia antes ya que hasta le costaba trabajo contar. Por eso habia decidido darle un tiempo adicional para que no se "peleara con los numeros".
I didn't have any plans on doing this activity this week. I wanted Ym to count household items as much as possible just to make sure he was counting from 1-10 with no problems at all. But Mr. Ym found this magnetic chalk/dry erase board I had been saving since November from Melissa & Doug. The board came with numbers and letters, so I just had to take advantage of this all-of-the-sudden interest in NUMBERS. This interest was NOT there before. He even had a hard time counting. This is why I wanted to save this activity for later. Just to make sure he wouldn't get into a "fight" with numbers.


  1. We have this same numbers, letters, and chalkboard from Melissa and Doug. I love their products. Ym sounds a lot like like my older son. Cuantos anos tiene? My son wasn't interested in numbers either, until recently because I've been starting to show him about numbers but he still prefers letters.

  2. Ym turned 3 yo on Dec. 27th. He's hasn't been interested in numbers but I noticed THIS WEEK that he's starting to like COUNTING. So, COUNTING IT IS!!! I read that there are several pre-math Montessori activities that prepare the kids for math. I'll post about this later. Let's keep each other informed about this math thing, OK


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