
Saturday, January 02, 2010

Granja en Forma de ARBOL / TREE-SHAPED Barn

Llevaba tiempo pensando en qué otro uso le podía dar a este calendario de adviento que había comprador. Por fin se me ocurrió algo…

Hicimos un cuento con los animals de la granja donde la vaca, el caballo y el burro estaban dando un paseo y se encontraron UNA GRANJA EN FORMA DE ÁRBOL!!!. En la granja se escuchaban muchos sonidos de animales y con cada sonido Yamil tenía que encontrar el animal correspondiente dentro de su cajita. Al final se hizo una fila con todos los animales y Yann le fue preguntando uno a uno cuál era ese animal.  Los contamos tambien. Gozamos un montón!!! Y cómo fue que escojimos la vaca, el caballo y el burro como nuestros personajes principales? Fácil. No cabían dentro de ninguna de las cajitas… ;)
I’ve been thinking for awhile what to do with this advent calendar I had bought. I finally figured it out…

We did a story with our farm animals in which the cow, the horse and the donkey were taking a walk and, all of a sudden, found a TREE-SHAPED BARN!!! There were all sorts of animal sounds at the barn and every time we did a certain sound Yamil had to help the horse find the animal inside the boxes. At the end, we put all the animals in a row a Yann kept asking his little brother the name of each animal it was. We also counted them.  We had a great time!!! How did we get to choose the horse, the cow and the donkey to be the main characters? Simple. They did not fit inside any of the boxes… ;)


  1. Wow what a great idea! That's creative play, we always have the most fun with the simplest things too.

  2. THANKS! Creative play helps me to know if the my rascal really knows & understands the lesson. CREATIVE PLAY sound like an interesting label, don't you think?

  3. Yes, very creative! :)
    Thanks for stopping by and visiting me, I am just getting started and trying to figure it all out. I just barely put up a profile pic today. I like your blog and ideas too.

  4. You're on MY FAVORITE MONTESSORI BLOGS list. You've just started and have some cool stuff. Nice!

  5. Que originial!!! Te quedo de Show!! ME ENCANTO!!


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