
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Homeschooling TALENT SHOW 2009

 La Noche de Talentos de los "homeschoolers" se acerca pronto... Esta vez Yn espera participar en piano y la exhibicion de arte. Estas fotos son de la Noche de Talentos de febrero 2009. La chica que esta con Yn es una de sus mejores amigas.
Espero que su mama no se moleste conmigo...  :-s
The 2010 Homeschooling TALENT SHOW is coming soon... Only, this time Yn is hoping to play the piano and show his art work at the exhibition. These pictures were taken during last year's Talent Show on February 2009. The girl next to Yn is one of his best friends.
I hope her mom doesn't get mad at me for this...  :-s


  1. Que interesante!! mucho exito este 2010!! Amiguita te deje un premio en mi blog!!

    Un abrazote

  2. I love that you have a talent show for the homeschoolers. We plan to start homeschooling in a year and I hope that I can find a great group also!


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