
Monday, January 25, 2010

La PALETA de Nesquick / The Nestle SCOOP

Cuando agarras a tu chico haciendo esto...
When you catch your kiddo doing this...


...debes entender que esta listo para la presentacion de la paleta o "scoop". should understand he's ready for the scooping demonstration.

Y esto es exactamente lo que hicimos hoy...con habichuelas!
This is exactly what we did today...with beans!

Mis 2 chicos hicieron la actividad aunque yo no obligo al de 7 años. El se antoja hacerlas.
Both of my kids did the scooping activity. But I swear I don't make my 7 yo do them! He volunteers.

1 comment:

  1. LOL - that looks like something Pita Pocket would do. Though...Short Pants got up earlier than everyone on Saturday and was found with some icing and a butter knife!


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