
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Matemáticas de Montessori / Montessori Math Curriculum

Tenía una gran curiosidad por saber cómo funcionaban las matemáticas en el método Montessori. Esta curiosidad me llevó a preguntar e investigar…Y para mi sorpresa descubrí que los ejercicios sensoriales ayudan al niño aprender la matemática básica y a familiarizarse con los números. La torre rosada es el ejercicio que nos introduce de manera sensorial a las matemáticas. Y los “number rods” nos introducen de manera directa a lo que es cantidad. Esto es tan distinto a lo que se hace con los niños en un currículo tradicional de pre-escolares. Cada día me sorprendo más con la Dra. María Montessori! Vean a continuación este video que está muy interesante.
I was very curious about the way Montessori math curriculum worked. Such curiosity inspired me to do my own little research… Surprisingly, I discovered how sensory exercises help the child learn the basics of math and become familiar with numbers. The pink tower is the exercise that introduces us to math in a sensory way. The number rods introduces us directly to quantity. Each and everyday I am more impressed by Dr. María Montessori! Following is a very interesting video about this.


  1. Yes. It's amazing. Practical life activities are also basic for math activities. For example: Pouring from 1 big jar into 3 small jars (division), frames (geometric shapes - buttons) etc.
    Practical and sensorial material is also great basic for language activities: from left to right, fine motor skills in many activities, pincet grip - holding pencil etc.

  2. You're right, Dr. Montessori was a genius when she created these materials. Most are meant to overlap and intertwine with one another. Have you read any Montessori books yet? I highly recommend David Gettman's book, Basic Montessori. The first portion of the book gives a great overview of what Dr. Montessori's intent was with regard to her method and the materials.

    Mari-Ann :)

  3. I've read so far TEACHING MONTESSORI IN THE HOME (E. Hainstock) and TEACH ME TO DO IT MYSELF (M. Pitamic). By that time I wasn't into MONTESSORI the way I am right now. So, I'm re-reading them again. David Gettman's book is in my I'm-dying-to-have-it-right-now list but the budget is a little tight right now. As soon as I get it and read it I'll let you know. THANKS FOR THE ADVISE!


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