
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Víspera de Reyes / The Night before Three Kings Day

Yo estoy casi “muerta” del cansancio… pero no quería dejar pasar esta oportunidad de compartir mi ratito de alegría con ustedes…
Este es el 1er año que veo que Yamil entiende lo que son los REYES MAGOS. Así que, ahora son 2 los niños en casa que tienen gran inocencia. Shhhh! No digan nada… Y para seguir con la tradición, esta noche salimos afuera para recoger pasto para los camellos.
Even though I'm exhausted I didn't want to miss the opportunity to share this special moment with you guys...
This is the 1st time I've noticed Yamil really understand the meaning of the THREE KINGS. Now we have 2 innocent kids at home.  Shhhh! Don't say a word to the other kid... And to keep the tradition alive, the kids went outside to pick up grass for the camels.

Comenzaron de lo mas bien arrancándo el pasto con las manos. Pero Yamil quiso hacerlo con mas estilo, así que buscamos sus tijeras.
Everything started off just fine.  The grass was pulled out with their bare hands.  Yamil, however, wanted to be more stylish, so we had to get the scissors.

Yann prefirió seguir usando sus manos. Y Yamil a los 2 segundos dijo: “Mami, me cansé de recortar.” Como de costumbre, su hermano tuvo que salir al rescate y ayudarlo a terminar su cajita.
Yann, on the other hand, preferred his hands. And, in about 2 seconds, Yamil said:  "Mom, I'm done cutting".  As usual, his brother had to come to the rescue and help him finish his little box.

Así lucían las cajitas luego de terminadas. Ni se crean que las pintamos nosotros. Fueron cortesía de Payless. Yo llevo como 3 años usando las mismas.
This is how the little boxes looked. Don't even think we did the painting. These boxes were provided by Payless. I've had them for 3 years now.

Luego, llevamos las cajitas llenas de pasto al cuarto de los nenes para colocarlas debajo de sus camas ...
Then, we took the boxes to the kids' room. They were put under their beds.

...y el agua para los camellos no podia faltar... DENTRO del envase y FUERA de este tambien.  En ese momento me sentí frustrada...  pero le tomé fotos de todos modos porque sabía que en algún momento ALGUIEN se iba a reir. 
Water for the camels was served in the container... and spilled everywhere. One box was OK, the other one had a little accident.  It was kind of frustrating for me but took pictures anyway. I just knew SOMEONE was eventually gonna laugh.

Y ésta fue nuestra aventura de la Víspera de los Reyes Magos 2010. Ojalá, esta tradición siga viva por siempre!!! Para aquellos que deseen mas información sobre el Día de los Reyes o deseen ver otras entradas relacionadas al tema, visiten el blog de Adriana y el blog de Jeannette.
So this was our adventure called the Night before the Three Kings Day 2010.  I hope this tradition never ends!!! For those who would like more information on the Three Kings Day pay Adriana's blog and Jeannette's blog a visit.  GOOD NIGHT!!!


  1. I nominated you for a blog award:

  2. Awww! This is my 1st nomination. You shouldn't have... Should I prepare a speech just in case? (jUST KIDDING) You know, I haven't figured out how the blog awards workout. I would love to nominate a few blogs. Let me know how it works, if possible.

  3. Dear Evelyn,
    This is my first time visiting. I have really enjoyed it.
    I love the tradition you have for the Three Kings Day.
    Ours was a little more 'tame' than yours. It looks like a lot of fun and great family memories.

  4. Me encanta!! A eso llamo recortar "pasto" con estilo!!!lol, Brutal... mi chica la recolecto temprano en la tarde con su papa y tambien la pasaron super!!

  5. Thanks Gae! I really enjoyed visiting your blog too. Couldn't picture my family putting our shoes together in the same place...

  6. Karen: Si supieras que los camellos por poco pasan hambre y sed... A mi se me habia olvidado... Yo siempre tan despistada!!!
    Un abrazo amiguita!

  7. que bueno que encontré tu blog! Soy maestra de español en los Estados Unidos y es perfecta para que mis estudiantes conozcan esta tradición, la secuencia de fotos es exactamente lo que estaba buscando! Gracias y felicidades!!!!!


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