
Sunday, March 07, 2010

Presentaciones de MI FAMILIA / MY FAMILY Presentations

Estas son las 2 presentaciones que hice con Yn para la clase de Historia:

1. Familia sin Órden – Yn tuvo que identificar quiénes son los miembros de su familia. Luego se le pidió que preparara una tira en papel cuadriculado donde iba a colorear un cuadrito por cada año que tuviera el miembro. Por ej., Yn tiene 8 años y tuvo que colorear 8 cuadritos. Luego lo tuvo que pegar en una tira de papel de construcción.

2. Familia en Órden – Aquí se le pidió el mismo trabajo pero que pegara las tiras en órden de menor a mayor.

Y esta es FIONA, la menor de la casa:

These 2 History presentations I did with Yn would be the same as Personal Family Timelines of Ages. It became difficult for me to translate it word by word so what I did was take a look at Kathy Ziegler's History Album to be able to explain what we did...although there are slight differences between the two. Thanks to Mondorfment blog I can share these albums!
First, Yn was asked to create a family timeline of ages. He made strips of quadrille paper for each family member representing the age of each. For this, he colored a square until the person's age had been reached. Then, he wrote the name of each family member and glued the strips below it. He did this in any order he wished. Finally, the 2nd part of the presentation required Yn to repeat the same steps only this time he would place the strips in numerical order from youngest to oldest. The last picture included in this post would be our youngest member of the family: FIONA!

1 comment:

  1. What a great activity! I remember I was fascinated by time lines when I was young. :)


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