
Friday, April 30, 2010

Escuela de Ym / Ym's School Work

Estos son los trabajos mas recientes de Ym. Se ve mucho pero en realidad aquí hay varias semanas de trabajo. No olvide regresar a ver la 2da parte de este “post”.
This is Ym's most recent school work. It looks like a lot of work but this is the work he's done over the last couple of weeks. Don't forget to come back for the 2nd part of this post.


Ym ha estado bastante ocupado realizando tareas de Vida Práctica.
Aquí está practicando su agarre de pinzas mientras clasifica por color.
Esta actividad no es nueva...acaba de reaparecer otra vez.
Ym has been quite busy on Practical Life activities.
He's working on his pincer grasp here while sorting out by color. This isn't a new activity... it just made a reappearence.

Practicando su agarre de pinzas nuevamente mientras hace un jueguito y clasifica por color.
Practicing his pincer grasp again while playing a little game and sorting out by color.

Pudo anotar sus resultados y circular cual color tenía más. Para esto tuvo que contar.
He was able to record his results by making a circle around the color that had more toothpicks. He also did some counting.

Untando la mantequilla a su galleta por soda. Cómo le gustan!
Spreading butter onto a cracker. He just loves these!

Usando el "scoop" tradicional por 1ra vez. Mamá no lo conseguía por ningún lado. Estuvo como 2 semanas haciendo esta actividad.
Using a traditional scoop for the 1st time. Mommy couldn't find a scoop for him anywhere. He spent like 2 weeks in this activity.

Una variación de un “scoop” mas pequeño. Aquí el movimiento mano/muñeca es un poco diferente.
A variation using a smaller scoop. The hand/wrist movement is a little different here.

Doblando su ropita (pijamas).
Folding his clothes (pijamas)

Enganchándose un bulto como si fuera una mochila. Lo hizo solito.
Putting a bag on his back as if it were a back pack. He did it by himself.

Secando con toalla sus criaturas del mar.
Drying his sea creatures with a towel.

Limpiando su bandeja con un paño y exprimiendo el mismo.  Aquí me estaba ayudando a limpiar su esquinita Montessori.
Squeezing a cloth to clean his tray. He was helping me clean his Montessori corner.


Ya terminamos de presentar las vocales de lija. Asi que hicimos muchos pareos para practicarlas…
We already presented the sandpaper vowels. So we did many matching games to get more practice (in Spanish)...

Pareo de vocales de lija con objetos que empezaran con ese sonido. Los objetos se presentaron en una canastita.
Matching sandpaper vowels (beginning sounds) to objects. Objects were presented in a little basket.

Lo mismo pero los objetos se escondieron en barriles de diferentes tamaños y colores.
Same thing as before only this time objects were hidden in colored barrels.

Pareo de lamina-objeto. Estos los trabajó en grupos de 5.
Matching pictures to objects. He worked these in groups of 5.


Otro grupo de 5...
Another group of 5...


No tenemos mucho material sensorial de Montessori en nuestra escuelita pero siempre nos inventamos cositas. Estos son los huevos plásticos de Pascua que compré en liquidación pero que no había usado aún. Ym había hecho esta actividad AQUÍ usando otro material.
We hardly have Montessori sensorial material at home but we always use alternatives. These are the plastic eggs I'd bought on sale for Easter but didn't have the chance to use. Now, HERE's Ym doing a similiar activity a while back.

Guardando los huevitos uno dentro del otro.

Nesting eggs.

GrAcIaS x ViSiTar a ♥2PT!

ThAnKs 4 StOpPiNg By,♥2PT !


  1. Vaya!! cuantas actividades. Alguna haremos por casa con vuestro permiso. Besos.

  2. Me da mucha alegria que hagas algunas de las cositas que hacemos en casa. GRACIAS por tomar de tu tiempo y hacer comentarios. Un abrazo!

  3. Such fun, practical and resourceful work you are doing... It inspires me to be more organized so I can better offer Montessori to my children. Recently, I have fallen into a do-as-I-can mode and, though the children are getting some Montessori-inspired work, I kinow they would benefit from more.

    Thank you for the inspiration

  4. Thanks for participating in Montessori Monday! I love all of these lessons, especially the practical life. It just goes to show that Montessori work can be found anywhere - you don't have to have the "official" materials in order for your child to benefit.

  5. What great activities! Thanks for posting! I am adding this to one of my blog posts! : )


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