
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Material de M&Ms / M&Ms Printables

Encontré este material gratuíto en Making Learning Fun y lo quiero compartir con ustedes. Está excelente ya que trabaja con patrones, algo que necesito trabajar con Ym. Tendré que trabajarlo poco a poco para que Ym no se coma la bolsa de M&Ms!
I'd like to share with all of you these free printables I found at Making Learning FunThese printables are great. It works on patterns, something I need to do with Ym. I'll have to work on it little by little though, or else he'll eat the whole bag of M&Ms!

Y hablando de comerse la bolsa entera de M&Ms, mi amiga Karen [Mi Escuelita Montessorime habló de estos otros trabajos en Confessions of a Homeschooler sobre… adivinen?... M&Ms!!! Estos también están espectaculares!
And speaking of eating the whole bag of M&Ms, my friend Karen [Mi Escuelita Montessoritold me about these other printables at Confessions of a Homeschooler. Guess what these are about?... M&Ms!!! These too are great!


  1. Thanks for featuring me, and love your blog by the way!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I appreciate your comment. PR is on the top of my list to visit some day. I added you to my blog roll and became a follower too! : )


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