
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

JUGUETE Hecho en Casa / Handmade TOY

Si hay algo que nunca falta en casa es "LA IMAGINACION". Yn y Ym se inventan cada cosa cuando estan jugando. En ocasiones es un dilema sacarlos de sus grandiosas aventuras... -cuando deben banarse, vestirse para salir, cenar, regresar a sus tareas luego de un receso-. Pero, por otro lado, gracias a su imaginacion, se inventan sus propios juguetes... y eso SI me gusta!!!
***IMAGINATION is something that my kids just can't live without. Yn and Ym are always making up stories whenever they're playing. Sometimes its so hard to get them out of their imaginary adventures... -when they need to take a bath, get dressed to go out, have dinner, return to their school work-. On the other hand, thanks to their imagination, they create their own toys to play with... And, this is definitely something I love!!!

Estos son los "Power Rangers" de Yn. Algo tan sencillo, jamas pensaran las largas horas de entretenimiento que proveen. En casa hay toneladas de estos palitos de madera. A veces, donde menos imagino, ahi estan. Algunas de las creaciones son Scooby Doo, Hot Wheels, Cars, Wiggles, Winnie the Pooh, Alvin y las Ardillas... Yo les llamo figuras de accion, la version SUPER economica.
***These are Yn's very own Power Rangers. Something so simple yet provides long hours of entertainment. We have tons of these wooden sticks at home. You can find these where least expected. Some of his creations are Scooby Doo, Hot Wheels, Cars, Wiggles, Winnie the Pooh, Alvin and the Chipmunks... I call it the SUPER-economy action figures.

Estos son los palitos de Ym. Recuerden que "todo lo hacemos como el hermano mayor". Gracias a estos palitos Ym esta usando los creyones mas frecuentemente, algo que ni miraba antes.
***These are Ym's little sticks. Remember "we do everything like big brother". Thanks to these sticks Ym is using his crayons more often, something he didn't choose to do before.

Y tus hijos, se inventan juguetes tambien???
***What about your kids? Do they make up their own toys???

Gracias por Visitarnos!
Thanks for Stopping By!



  1. All the time. I can't really leave out pipe cleaners because Batman will make something with them.

  2. Yn and Ym have great imaginations. Off the top of my head I know DJ creates new car ramps to play with his cars. I will be able to email you tomorrow, thanks a lot for showing interest.

  3. We've been making things this week too :) I love the power rangers that is very clever and creative :)

  4. Very cute and fun! Thanks for sharing:)

  5. How creative to use icy pole sticks for so many games! Princess does the same thing with pencils, they all become people and have stories to act out.

    We are starting to make our own toys, but in a much more directed way, not so imaginatively as your boys have done :)

  6. As a child we collected popsicle sticks. The only way you could get them was to eat popsicles and then save the sticks. I loved making all kinds of things out of the sticks. When my son was about 9 or 10 years old he made me a jewelbox out of popsicle sticks. That was 23 years ago and I still have the box. Thanks for the post it brought back great memories of playing with popsicle sticks. :)

  7. My son loves to save various containers destined for recycling to house collections or become car garages or cages for imaginary animals.

  8. "I call it the SUPER-economy action figures."

    I love it :) Isn't it amazing that children will find just as much fun in something simple and homemade as from an expensive, store bought toy?

  9. It brings back such good memories from MY OWN childhood to see my kids using their imagination to build their own toys. Thanks to all for your lovely comments.

  10. My girls turn all kinds of things into toys which has made me realise how little they really need.

    I love the SUPER-economy action figures - very creative.


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