
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Colección de Insectos / Insect Collection

Ym: “Mamiiiiiiii, un insecto muerto en mi cuarto!!!”
Yo: “Quieres que lo guardemos para hacer una colección?”

Ym: "Siiiiii"
Esta fue mi señal para comenzar nuestro estudio sobre insectos con Ym. Hasta ahora nos hemos dedicado a hacer una colección de los insectos muertos que encontramos en casa o alrededor de ella. Lo interesante de todo es que hemos combinado nuestro estudio con destrezas del Lenguaje. Pero todo ha sido muy sigiloso porque si Ym se entera me hace un boicot!


Ym: "Mommyyyy, there's a dead insect in my room!!!"

Me: "Would you like to start an insect collection???"

Ym: "Yeeeeah"

So, I took this as my cue to begin our insects study with Ym. So far we've collected a few dead insects found at home or nearby. But the best part has been combining our mini-study with Language skills. It's been fun yet it should remain as our little secret, or else, I'm sure he'll lead a protest.

Llevamos la abeja muerta al escritorio con el instrumento y sacamos una lámina de abeja, la letra “a” y un objeto de abeja. La lámina dice la palabra abeja por la parte de atrás.
///We took the dead bee to the table with the instrument and we displayed a bee picture, the letter "a" {for bee in Spanish} and a bee object. The bee picture spells the word bee in Spanish on the back.

La lámina de abeja.
///A bee picture.

Ym haciendo un esfuerzo por transferir la abeja al frasco de cristal.
///Ym doing his best effort in transfering the bee to the glass jar.

Recortando la etiqueta la tijera.

///Cutting the label with scissors.

Pareo de palabras iguales.
///Matching same words.

Pegando la etiqueta con cinta adhesiva.
///Taping the label to the jar.

Exhibiendo su frasco en la tablilla de Ciencia.
///Displaying his jar on the Science shelf.

Eventualmente, hicimos lo mismo con una mosca y un caculo {tipo de escarabajo}. Olvidé mencionar que hechamos alcohol 70% para preservar los insectos???
///We eventually did the same with a housefly {"mosca"} and a beetle {"caculo"}. Did I forget to mention we poured some rubbing alcohol in the jar to preserve the insects???

GrAcIaS por ViSiTaRnOs!
ThAnKs for StOpPiNg By!


  1. This is a really simple and cute activity with
    the insects in jars, labeling and putting them
    on the science shelf. Thanks for sharing...
    you are so clever at adapting ideas to
    the home environment...

  2. How cool! I have to admit that's an activity I don't think we're going to do. I just don't like the bug collections.

  3. This is so fun! You're such a great mommy - your boys are lucky to have you!!

  4. Neat insect activity! We will have to try this soon! Thanks for sharing:)

  5. Thanks for linking to Montessori Monday! What a great idea. We always have a collection of insects on our nature tray - I never thought to do labels, ect. Thanks!


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