
Friday, July 23, 2010

Place to Play

Llevamos unos laaaargos días de lluvia.

Y había que llevar a los nenes y nenas a pasear y jugar.

Así que visitamos a “Place to Play”.

Un poco encerrado y ruidoso para mis gustos pero disfrutaron muchísimo.

Una alternativa para los días lluviosos...

{Les aseguro que mis hijos no comparten mi opinión ;) }

///We've been having lots of rain lately.

So, the boys and girls were ready for some outdoor fun.

This is why we decided to visit "Place to Play".

Actually, I find it a little to noisy and enclosed. But they all had a great time. For me it's just an alternative for rainy days.

{I guarantee you my kids don't share this opinion with me ;) }

Gracias por Visitarnos!
Thanks for Stopping by!


  1. My daughter loves the inflatable places...jumping like a rabbit in her thing!!In took her there last night and then to the park we both were exhausted!! Thank you for sharing and for visiting my blog!
    HAVE a nature week..I posted yesterday my C playing in the rain with her was very sweet.

  2. Play centres are my special back-up for the days when Princess is driving me just a little bit crazy. Lots of climbing, jumping, sliding and running around makes for one very tired and subdues little girl!

    Looks like everyone was having a great time :)

  3. They look like they had a great time!

  4. Looks like a great time was had by all :)

  5. A perfect way to spend a rainy day playing with an energetic bunch of children :)

  6. My kids adore these indoor play centres. Perfect for rainy days.


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