
Monday, August 16, 2010

Receso del Blog / Blog Break

Solo para dejarles saber que estaré un tiempito fuera del mundo de los blogs.
Necesito enfocarme para poner en orden unas cuantas cositas tanto personales como de mis chicos, y sencillamente, necesito el tiempo y el espacio.
GRACIAS a todas las personas que entran y leen este pequeño y humilde espacio.
Los voy a extrañar y espero poder regresar pronto…

PAZ y muchas bendiciones a todos!


Just a quick note to let you know I'll be taking a little break from the blog world.
I need to focus on personal matters and re-organize my children's homeschooling.
I guess this is the time when you need additional time and some space.
Hope you understand...
THANK YOU for always visiting this humble little space of ours.
I'll miss you all...

PEACE and blessings to all!


  1. (hugs)
    Family always needs to come first!

    We'll all be here when you come back!


  2. Enjoy your break! You'll be missed! :)

    Truth is, I'm preparing for a break, too. It's that time of year, I think!

  3. come back soon & share more good stuff! And have a wonderful break! :)

  4. Enjoy your break, I'll read older posts - yours are so interesting and educational!
    Take care


  5. Have a nice break!
    Family first.
    Will look forward to when you return:)

  6. It’s wonderful that you’re putting your family first! Have a great break! I love your blog gave you an award at

  7. Enjoy your FREE BLOGGING TIME!! Sometimes we just need a break of routine..have fun with your beautiful kids!


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