
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Agrupando Objetos de la Misma Clase / Sorting into Matching Sets

Esta idea la tome del libro "Teach Me to Do It Myself" de Maja Pitamic.  La actividad es una preparacion para las matematicas. Mas adelante, esperamos progresar a clasificar por color, tamano y forma usando los mismos objetos. Pero buscare otros objetos mas apropiados para esto. Que de donde salieron los circulos rojos? Bueno, estos son las tapas de los espaghetis Chef-Boy-Ardee, la version que viene para microhondas.
I took this idea from Maja Pitamic's book titled Teach Me to Do It Myself. It's considered a pre-math activity. In the future, we expect to progress to sorting a same group of objects by color, size and shape. But I will need to find the appropriate objects for this activity. Where did I get the red circles? Well, these are the Chef-Boy-Ardee spaghetti lids, the microwavable ones.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I'll have to do that one soon with Pita Pocket.


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