
Friday, January 22, 2010

Mi Esquinita MONTESSORI / My Little MONTESSORI Corner

Mi amiga Jeannette (Montessori en el Hogar) me dio esta genial idea de usar zapateras de madera como tablillero. No tuve que ir a comprar una... solo le saque la gigantesca capa de polvo a una que ya tenia en mi closet. Esto es mas que suficiente para tenerle a Ym su ESQUINITA MONTESSORI en lo que termino con el cuarto. Poco a poco llegamos donde queremos llegar...! (Estoy tratando de ignorar mis pensamientos negativos que me dicen: Mija, te estas tardando una eternidad!!!)
PAZ Evelyn PAZ ;)
Mi friend Jeannette ("Montessori at Home") gave me this wonderful idea of using shoe shelves (sorry, there's got to be a better way of translating this) as a Montessori shelf. I did not have to buy one.. all I did was remove the gigantic dust layer from one I had in my closet. This will work out just fine as Ym's LITTLE MONTESSORI CORNER until I finally get our classroom ready. Little by little we are getting there...!
(I'm actually trying to ignore my negative thoughts saying: Girl, you're taking forever!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Que linda Evelyn!!! que buena idea, amiguita!! chuchin chulin!!

    Gracias por tus palabras tan lindas en mi blog!!

    Un abrazote!!!


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