
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Explorando GEL / Exploring GEL

En Montessori se habla mucho sobre “seguir al niño”. Afortunadamente, esta filosofía educativa me ha llevado a observar mejor a mis chicos.  Y observando fue que pude notar cierto interés en Ym en tocar y sentir ciertos materiales, como aquí:
Montessori is all about "following the child". Fortunately, this philosophy has inspired me to observe my kids in a better way. Actually, from observing Ym I was able to notice his interest is touching and feeling certain materials. See for yourself:

Pero no crean que soy tan brillante… Me tomó varia de estas situaciones y un poco de lectura para, por fin, entender su necesidad sensorial. Así que empezamos por algo simple que él mismo había expresado interés en hacer. Esta actividad la había visto cuando su hermano hace su programa de Organización Neurológica.
But don't even think I'm that smart...It took a couple of these situations and some reading to finally understand his sensorial need. So we began with something simple he'd expressed himself interest in. He had seen his big brother doing this activity as part of his Neurological Organization program.

“Cuando el niño ve una tarea que puede comprender y realizar su voluntad se sentirá atraído a ésta. La maestra podrá ver la expresión de satisfacción en su rostro. El niño está totalmente envuelto en la actividad. Con entusiasmo, repite la acción una y otra vez, aprendiendo algo nuevo cada vez sobre sí mismo y sobre su ambiente. En la medida en que une su cuerpo, mente y voluntad encontrará ese sentido de “unidad”.

Tomado del libro Modern Montessori at Home por Heidi Anne Spietz
"When the child sees a task that he can comprehend and perform his will is attracted to it. The teacher can visibly see the expression of satisfaction written upon the child's face. The child is totally involved with the activity. He enthusiastically repeats the action over and over again, learning something new about himself and his environment each time he does. By uniting his body, mind, and will a sense of 'oneness' is felt.

Quote from Modern Montessori at Home by Heidi Anne Spietz


  1. This is great. I like the gel idea. Is there something inside the jar of gel (other than gel)? I think that's the only way I could get my son to touch it if there was a wrapped candy hidden in their :), He has never liked touching gooey things and is just starting to explore with touching these kinds of materials. Maybe I'll try the candy, hee hee.

  2. It's just plain old GEL. The cheap kind, of course. You could try the candy or some toy he really likes like marbles or bubbles, or even add some sprinkles or glitter. You could also play "find the hidden treasure and pretend to be pirates. That's an idea I have in mind but haven't done yet. Just follow your child...
    Your a smart mommy, I'm sure you'll come up with something.

  3. Wow!!! Esto esta genial!!, dices gel cualquiera como de pelo????.... ME ENCANTO ESTA ACTIVIDAD!!! yo no recuerdo haberle dado a mi princessa una experiencia asi!!! GRACIAS AMIGUIS!!

  4. What a great quote- he definitely has satisfaction written all over his face!


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