
Monday, February 22, 2010

"MARCO" de Vestir sin el marco / Dressing "BOARD" without the board

Como no tenemos los marcos de vestir que se usan en Montessori, aprovechamos toda oportunidad para practicar estas destrezas y adquirir la coordinación de movimientos necesaria. Aquí usamos dos tipos de amarres diferentes (disculpen, pero no sé el nombre específico). Y Ym estaba encantado! Cada vez que veía mi cartera salía corriendo para abrir y cerrarla. Cualquier otra mamá estaría diciéndole: “Deja la cartera de mamá quieta, muchachito!!!” o "NO toques!!!"
(jajaja, yo era así)

Since we don’t have the Montessori dressing boards, we’re constantly finding opportunities to practice these skills at home and gain the necessary coordination of movements. Here we used two different kinds of fasteners (sorry, I don’t know the specific name). Ym was so pleased! Everytime he would see my bag he would immediately start practicing. Any other mommy would tell him: “Leave my bag alone, young man” or "Don't touch!!!"
(hahaha, I used to be that way)

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Evelyn, that is very creative. Kids do this learning and exploring thing on their own so much but usually parents don't notice it because we thing they are just being "traviesos" and we stop them. Your doing a great job!


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