
Friday, February 12, 2010

Pareando Sonidos / Matching Sounds

Mis chicos pareando sonidos...
Se usaron botellas Plásticas vacías de Pediasure para preparar el material. Use partes iguales de arroz crudo, trocitos de sorbetos y habichuelas secas para rellenar las botellas.
Ym ha estado trabajando en esto durante varios meses. Pero esta es la 1ra vez que escogió trabajarlo.
My kids matching our homemade sound bottles...
These were made out from Pediasure empty bottles. I used equal amounts of uncooked rice, pieces of straws and dried beans to fill them inside.
Ym has been working on these for several months. This is the 1st time he choose to work on them.

Uno de mis chicos haciendo trampa... jaja!
One of my kids cheating... haha!
Como control use sellitos de colores pegados por debajo de las botellas.
As the control I used matching color stickers on the bottom of the bottles.


  1. Hi there...I love this idea!
    Genius...using pediasure bottles.
    Such a simple solution to home made
    sound bottles. I like the size...
    I wonder what other uses there would
    be for these bottles?

  2. That's a good one! I'll keep it in mind. I have so many bottles. For now, I'll start changing and/or adding more sounds as matching 3 sounds has become kind of easy for him. This is so wonderful! In the beginning he couldn't even do 1 sound. MONTESSORI is amazing!


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