
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Progreso de VARAS ROJAS... / RED RODS Progress...

La 1ra vez que presentamos las Varas Rojas fue aqui. Desde entonces hemos seguido trabajandola poco a poco. A continuacion nuestro progreso:

The 1st time we did the Red Rods was here. Since then we've been working on it very slowly. The following is our progress:

La Extension del Gigante Dormido
The Sleeping Giant Extension
Aqui, las varas se van acomodando como si fueras formando un cuadrado. Se empieza por la vara mas larga y, en la medida en que las vas acomodando, se va formando un laberinto. Luego, el juego consiste en entrar descalzo al laberinto sin tocar las varas y en silencio para no "despertar al gigante dormido". Una vez llegas al centro tienes que girar en puntas para volver a salir en silencio y sin tocar las varas. Espero haber entendido bien la presentacion de mi amiguita Nancy. 
Here, the rods are placed as if you were forming a square starting with the longest one. Then, as you attemp to form a square what really starts forming is a laberinth. After this, you play a little game which consists of walking inside the laberinth barefoot and silently, so that you don't "wake up the sleeping giant". You shouldn't touch the rods either. Once you get to the center you have to turn back to exit the laberinth silently and avoiding touching the rods. Hopefully, I got this presentation right from my friend Nancy! 

La Extension de los M&M
The M&Ms Extension 

Esto fue solo para darle un incentivo por poner las varas rojas en el orden correcto (con ayuda de mama). Luego de poner las varas, le coloco un M&M en cada vara y los conto. Ah, y por su puesto, se los comio!
This homemade extension was a little treat I gave the kid for placing the red rods in the correct order (with mommy's help). After placing the rods, he put one M&M on each one and counted them. Oh, and of course, he ate it all!


  1. Buenisimo amiguita!!!lol, mi hija lo haria todos los dias... con tal de que le coloque M&M al final!!!

  2. Oh, I love the "sleeping giant" idea!! We've made the maze many times but I'd never heard of that; I'm sure Short Pants would love it. :)


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