
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Concepto del Tiempo / Concept of Time

Una de las cosas que me sorprende mucho de Montessori es cómo ésta presenta las lecciones de Historia de una manera tan VIVA.
En esta presentación pudimos obtener una idea concreta y directa de la medida del tiempo. Este es el objetivo directo de la presentación.
Comencé por narrarle a Yn una historia donde pudiera imaginar cómo sería la vida de los primeros seres humanos y cómo ellos marcarían el tiempo… Y así fue que “apareció” la varita o ramita de árbol que ven en la foto. El cuchillo de mesa se usó para marcar los días, -1 marca por día-.
One of the things that surprise me the most about Montessori is the way the History lessons are presented to the child. They are so ALIVE!
The aim of this presentation was to obtain a concrete and direct idea of time measurement.
I started off by narrating a story where Yn was able to imagine the life of the first human beings and how they would keep track of time... So, this is where the little branch made it's appearance. The knife you see on the picture was used to make the marks on the branch, -1 mark per day-.

Aquí vemos a Yn marcando el 1er día.
This is Yn marking day #1.

La ramita luego de 7 días. (Pobrecita!)
This is the little branch on day #7. (Poor thing!)

Al concluir la presentación dirigí a Yn para que notara que no todas las marcas eran iguales. El propósito de esto es para que concluyera que la unidad del tiempo debe ser consistente. Pero Yn se llevó una idea equivocada. Sintió que había fallado al no poder hacer todas las marcas iguales. Entonces mamá tuvo que explicarle que él estaba teniendo una percepción que no era la mejor. Hablamos un poco de ver el lado positivo de las cosas, y de cómo debemos aprender lecciones de todas nuestras experiencia. Entonces, le presenté el concepto del Vaso Medio Lleno.
Así fue cómo pude ver una sonrisa en su rostro!
As part of the conclusion, I helped Yn notice how the marks were all different. The purpose of this was to understand that time unit must be consistent. But Yn took it the wrong way and felt he had failed by not being able to make marks that were the same. So, mommy had to explain to him how he was not having the best perception of this. We talked about seeing the bright side of everything, and how we should always try to learn lessons from our experiences. This is when the concept of the Half-Full Glass becomes part of our lesson. I DID get a smile on his face with this!
{I just found this while writing this post.}

Y este es Ym imitando a su hermano mayor. Nada extraño en él!
{Contando líneas marcadas}
And this is Ym following big brother's steps. So typical!
{Counting marked lines.}

{Marcando las líneas}
{Marking the lines.}

GrAcIaS x ViSiTar a ♥2PT!
ThAnKs 4 StOpPiNg By,♥2PT !


  1. Beautiful work, thanks for posting this.

  2. Very cool post about the concept of time...remember doing something like that with a stick when I was young during the summer. We would mark a tree stump every day we visited my cousins' cottage...Then, we would try to look and find the tree stump the next year that we would visit them, the following summer. Very fun and concrete way to remember the passage of time. Thanks for sharing...will have to try it with a stick with mine.

  3. Evelyn-

    Thank you for visiting Making Memories Monday. I'm glad I could bring a smile to your face. My watermelon seemed to make people smile everywhere I went... and I'm so glad they are still doing that! You have a very nice blog. I hope you'll consider joining us for MMM next week!

  4. This is GREAT! Thanks so much for linking up!


  5. Thank you for sharing this. Great idea!

  6. I love your blog! I look forward to reading more. Thank you for visiting my blog!


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