
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Organizando Material.../ Organizing Material...

Un lugar para cada cosa y cada cosa en su lugar...
Cómo me gustaría hacer honor a esta frase!
Pero mi historia es diferente aunque hago mi mejor esfuerzo por estar organizada.
A place for everything and everything in its place
How nice would it be to honor this phrase!
But I got a whole different story, although I make my best in being organized.

Así lucía la repisa de mi casa hasta hace unos días...
Just a couple of days ago, my buffet looked like this...

Afortunadamente, se me ocurrió darle uso a unas bandejas para organizar papeleo que tenía en la casa. Éstas estaban ocupando espacio y llenándose de polvo pero ahora tienen un gran propósito: organizar mi material Montessori impreso!
Fortunately, I thought of a couple of trays I had sitting around the house doing nothing, taking up space and picking up a huge amount of dust. Now, suddenly, these trays have a purpose in life: to organize all my Montessori printables!

Esta bandeja es para el material que necesito recortar antes de laminarse.
This tray is for the material that needs to be cut before getting laminated.

Esta bandeja es para material que necesita pegarse sobre cartulina, o que necesita pega, antes de laminarse.
This tray is for the material that needs to be pasted on cardstock, or needs glue in some other way, before getting laminated.

Esta es mi bandeja favorita! Aquí tengo el material completamente listo para laminarse.
This is my favorite tray! Here I keep the material that’s completely ready to get laminated.

Todo aquél que ha laminado sabe que después de laminar hay que recortar. Para eso es esta bandeja.
Everyone who has laminated before knows that after laminating comes the cutting again.
This is what this tray is for.

Me encantaría ver mas ideas de cómo organizas tus materiales Montessori, tu material impreso y otros materiales escolares. Deja un comentario o crea un enlace a tu post, no a la página principal de tu blog. Usa mi nuevo amigo, Linky Tools (o como le llamo yo, Mr. Linky).

GrAcIaS x ViSiTaR a 2PT!


I'd love to see more ideas on how to organize your Montessori materials, your printables and other school material, as well. Please leave a comment o link up your post -not blog home page-. Your can use my new friend to do this, Linky Tools (I call it Mr. Linky).

ThAnKs 4 sToPpInG bY, 2PT!


  1. I think organizing all the montessori stuff is a challenge I am constantly battling!

  2. Wow! Great job! Me inspiras! My comadre helped to set up a great organizational system for all our Montessori printables. She created physical files for all of them, as well as making a list of what we had in the files on Google Docs, for planning purposes. When we were filling out the planning templates online, we could just look up the files we had on hand in Google docs. I hope that made sense!

    I'm so glad to hear that the family is doing good after the Earthquake. Bendito sea Dios!
    I've been on bedrest here and there, so I'm really behind in catching up on emails, housework, etc.. Disculpame por no contestarte mas pronto.

    Quidense, y felicidades en el buen trabajo que estas haciendo para organizarte!


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