
Friday, May 28, 2010

Láminas CASERAS / DIY Pictures (Parte II/Part II)

A continuación el tutorial que les prometí AQUÍ de cómo hacer las láminas para trabajar Lenguaje, y su carterita. El material de Lenguaje que trabajará el niño son las láminas iguales las cuales deberá parear. La carterita es simplemente un extra para cautivarlo y trabajar Vida Práctica.

***Following is the tutorial I promised HERE on how to makes these Language pictures, and the little case . The child will work on Language by matching same pictures. The little case is an extra to keep the pictures in a safe place, get their attention, and work on Practical Life, as well.

Láminas Iguales

1. Recorte cada una de las láminas de ambos lados de la bolsa de regalo para tener un par de cada una. ***Cut each picture from both sides of the gift bag. This way you'll end up with two of each.
2. Lamine las láminas, si desea. En mi caso, no fue necesario ya que el material de la bolsa de regalo era grueso. Además, no tengo otros niños que estarán usando este material. Así, también ahorro en materiales. Pero cada caso es distinto, y eso lo respeto. ***Laminate the pictures, if necessary. In my case, this was not necessary as the gift bag was thick enough. In addition, I don't have other kids that will be using the material. Plus, I DO save money by doing this. But each case is different and I respect this.


1. Recorte ambos lados de la bolsa de regalo y divida uno de los lados en dos partes de 1/3 y 2/3, aproximádamente. ***Cut both sides of the gift bag, and cut again one of the sides in two sections which approximately measure 1/3 and 2/3.

2. Voltee dos secciones: el lado más largo y el de 2/3. La sección que sobra se usa para hacerle un borde a la carterita.***Turn over two sections: the longest one and the 2/3 one. The remaining section is used to make a border for the case.

3. Deslize uno dentro del otro como se ilustra en la siguiente foto. ***Slide one side inside of the other as the following ilustration shows.

4. Coloque en los bolsillos anaranjados las láminas a parear, un set a cada lado. Los bolsillos se hacen de dobleces en el papel. ***Place inside the orange pockets the pictures to match, one set on each side. To make the pockets just fold the paper.

5. Peque o grape los bordes para mantenerlos fijos. ***Glue or staple the sides to keep them together.

6. Doble la solapa de la parte superior de la carterita y pegue un pedazo de velcro para poder cerrarla. La carterita deberá verse como la foto que le sigue, o algo parecido a esto. ***Fold the top flap and stick a little piece of velcro to be able to close it. The case should look like the following photo, or something like it.

7. Amarre uno de los cordones de la bolsa de regalo para darle el toque final a la carterita, y colóquelo como se muestra en la foto anterior. Hay muchas formas de hacer esto. Yo simplemente la coloqué así. De esta forma, el niño lo puede remover y poner de vuelta cuando guste. ***Tie one of the gift bag laces for the final touch, and place it as shown on the previous a photo. {Now that I think about it the "case" really resembles a purse.} There are many ways to do this. I simply placed it like this so the child would have the option to remove it and place it back.

Pienso que hubiera sido de gran ayuda haber tomado mas fotos. Espero hayan podido entender los pasos. Cualquier duda me escriben. :)

***I realize that having taken more pictures would've help A LOT. I hope you could understand the steps. If not, you could always contact me. :)

GrAcIaS x ViSiTaRnOs!
ThAnKs 4 StOpPiNg By!


  1. Thank you for stopping by Training Happy Hearts and leaving a comment. You mentioned wanting to know more resources for SPD. There are several books that I wrote reviews about recently on the blog that might be of interest. So, take a look back at this past week's posts there. Also Out-of-Sync Child and Out-of-Sync Child has Fun are good. Sensory processing Disorder Answer Book might b helpful, too. is great as is Hartley's Life with 3 Boys, with the SPD network. There are many good resources. If you want to email me personally with specific questions, I can try to help you out further. I am a rather new SPD mom, but have been researching like crazy! Blessings.

  2. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I don't think there's such thing as "too late" for anything!! Curiosity and passion is all it takes, which you seem to have already!! I consider myself as a beginner too, so if I can do it anybody can! ;)
    I see your posts in Spanish, I took classes in college and loved it. Now that I'm on this side of the world, it's so hard to keep up my memory. Now that I have your blog, I can maybe catch up a little :P
    Again, muchas gracias por tu comentario!!
    Love your profile pic ;)
    ** Un Beso **


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