
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Visita Inesperada / Unexpected Visit

Mi querida sobrina A de 5 años vino a visitarnos la semana pasada. Quedó encantada con nuestro salón! Estuvo trabajando la mayor parte del día sin darse cuenta ya que ella decía que habían muchos juegos en el salón. Y hasta escogió trabajos de diferentes materias! Hizo una sesión de Montessori muy variada.
///Last week, my dear 5-year old niece A came to visit us. She was thrilled to see our classroom! Without even knowing it, she worked during a great portion of the day. She kept talking about how many games there were in the classroom. She even choose activities from different subjects. A lot of variety in this Montessori session.

Pareo de Láminas y Objetos.
///Picture-Object matching.

Ym participando de la actividad con su prima.
///Ym sharing the activity with his cousin.

Rompecabezas de Pez con números del 1-10
///Fish Puzzle with numbers from 1-10

Recipiente Sensorial de habichuelas blancas.
///White beans Sensory Box.

La Torre Rosada!
///The Pink Tower

Extensiones de la Torre Rosada.
///Pink Tower Extensions.

Usando Libros de Colorear.
///Using Coloring Books.

Comiendo manzanas verdes. Tuve que compartir esta foto por ser la 1ra vez que Ym hace el intento de comer manzanas. Le dió 3 mordizcos y escupió 4!
///Eating green apples. I just had to share this picture of Ym making an effort in eating apples for the 1st time. He had 3 bites and spit out 4!

GrAcIaS x ViSiTaRnOs!
ThAnKs 4 StOpPiNg By!


  1. That is so great! Looks like they worked so well!!!

  2. This is so great! Your enviroment is set up so nicely, I bet it would be hard to keep any kid out of there.

  3. What fun! Such a lovely environment and nice works, too. Where did you get your picture-object matching work?
    Hope that you will pop by my blog...I am setting up a light table objects swap:)

  4. Awww...she's adorable! I bet it was so much fun to watch her discover your Montessori materials. Thanks for linking up!

  5. Que bella!! estoy segura de que para ella nunca habia sido tan divertido aprender!!! Me encantaron todas las actividades!!



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