
Monday, July 12, 2010

Jugando al PESCADOR / We Play: FISHERMAN

Esta es la 1ra vez que JUGAMOS...y porque no, si "jugar" es una de las actividades favoritas de mis traviesos. AQUÍ podrá ver más detalles del carnaval y AQUÍ una información bien interesante sobre las distintas formas de jugar.

//This is the 1st time WE PLAY...and why shouldn't we as "playing" is one of my little rascals' favorite things to do. You could find HERE more details about this blog carnival and HERE an interesting post about the different types of play.

Desde hace un tiempo hemos estado envueltos en la Unidad de Estudio del Pez. {De hecho, tenemos pendiente la 2da parte de esta publicación, la cual me ha tomado una eternidad ...}
//For some time now, we've been quite busy with our Fish Unit Study. {Actually, we have a Part II coming up soon. NO, I haven't forgotten... YES, its taking me forever...}

Así que no pude resistir la tentación de comprar estas cañas de pescar con peces de juguete.
//So, I couldn't resist getting these toy fishing sets for my kids.

Así comenzó su aventura en alta mar.
//This is how their adventure began.

Y así terminó… en un sorpresivo naufragio!
//And this is how it ended... as an unexpected shipwreck!

GrAcIaS x ViSiTaRnOs!
ThAnKs 4 StOpPiNg By!


  1. This looks like fun! I have recently bought a fishing set for my nephew and can't wait to see if he enjoys it! Great photos!!!

  2. Fishing looks like lots of fun. I can see my girls having a ball doing that :)

  3. They look like they had a great time .. but should perhaps have a bigger boat! :)

    We got a free rod and fish with a magazine a little while ago, and it provided much bathtime fun.

  4. This looks like great fun, you can almost hear the laughing from here.

  5. These fishing sets are so fun. The boys look like they are having a wonderful time. Thanks for the post. :)

  6. Thank you ALL for your great comments. It all happened very quickly when their "ship" flipped over... but we had a huge laugh!

  7. I love the blue sheet. It makes for a special set up! Great job!

  8. Awesome fish fun! As always, I love your blog!
    This time, I popped by via the We Play Links ups.
    We are teaching my boys Spanish, too...not sure if I have mentioned that to you before...we are currently working on learning animal names and colors.

  9. A la verdad que tu te las sacas debajo de la manga!!!lol.... super divertido!!! tremendo estudio del pez!!!lol


  10. My son loves to "fish" from his playhouse out into the grass... but he'd love a setup with the basket and sheet like yours. I'm inspired to try it!

  11. Hi! I have a little award for you. Please, visit my blog:

  12. I always come by your blog to see how much fun you and your boys are having while learning, or just playing around. This is why I have a award for you. Please stop by my blog.

  13. because, I love your blog, one award for you :

  14. Kelly, Karen, Anne and The Sunshine Crew: You're THE BEST. Thanks for sending such warm responses.
    Leptir, Discovering Montessori and Willandre:
    I'm honored to have received awards from you. Thanks for thinking of us.

  15. Loving your fishing play fun.

    Welcome to We Play and thank you so much for linking up :)

  16. Qué hermosa idea. Este domingo les inventaré una aventura en alta mar como la de tus dos peques!
    Un abrazo desde España


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