
Sunday, October 17, 2010

1st Nature Walk

No recuerdo bién cómo fue que encontré ESTE BLOG pero gracias a esto, en agosto, pudimos hacer oficialmente nuestra primera caminata por la Naturaleza (“Nature Walk”). Gracias Barb por darnos la inspiración e información para lograrlo!
Escogimos el patio de la abuela (Abu Daisy) para hacer nuestra caminata. Su terreno es bien pequeño y sumamente impinado pero rico en cultivos. Realmente la pasamos de maravillas, nos reímos un montón y aprendimos mucho de Abu… especialmente a escalar colinas.
Cuando terminamos la caminata le pregunté a los chicos lo que más les había gustado y ellos me contestaron: las hormigas (Ym) y los panapenes (Yn). De aquí salió nuestra inspiración para estudiar los Insectos.

*I'm not sure how it was that I came across THIS BLOG but it was thanks to this that we officially did our first Nature Walk back in August. Thank you Barb for all the information and inspiration!
We chose grandma's backyard to explore. It is a very small and steep ground, I must say. However the soil is very rich and fertile. You can find a great variety of crops there. We all had a great time, we laughed and giggled as much as we could, and certainly, we learned from our best botany teacher, grandma. Plus, we had several climbing lessons from her.
When we finally finished our walk I asked the kids what they enjoyed the most. They answered: the ants (Ym) and the breadfruits (Yn). So, this is how we got the inspiration for our Insects study.

GrAcIaS por ViSiTaRnOs!
ThAnKs for StOpPiNg By!

OUTDOOR HOUR CHALLENGE @ Handbook of Nature Study
SCIENCE SUNDAY @ Adventures in Mommydom


  1. What a wonderful place to explore on your first official OHC! It is so green and I love the big leaves. You are so right, grandmas can be the very best of teachers.

    Thank you for sharing your nature walk and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future. :)

  2. I also love bringing my class to nature walks! Not only you can have hands-on science lesson, but you can also learn language, maths, spatial awareness and more!!! <3

  3. Que lindas fotos!! A mi con lo que me encantan esas un momento especial.

  4. Selena just loved seeing the banana tree and the papaya that your son is carrying. It is so nice to see these things that are not found here. It looks like you had a great nature hike!

  5. I love the pictures from your walk. What a great experience for everyone.

  6. Thank you ALL for your lovely comments. We sure had a GREAT time. I will cherish it forever. The fruit my son is carrying is BREADFRUIT (mmmm they are soooo good!) but my mom has papaya as well.
    Big hugs to all!


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