
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Carabela de Colon / Columbus Galleon

Por fin, Ym pudo terminar su carabela de Colón con la ayuda de mami.
El día que la trabajamos AQUÍ no quiso terminarla.
Poco a poco hemos estado hablando de la situación y hemos visto progreso.
Qué alegría!!!
(Notaron su recorte nuevo?)

*Finally, Ym was able to finish his Columbus Spanish galleon with mommy's help.
The day we did the activity HERE he didn't want to finish it.
Little by little I've been trying to work things out with him and we've seen progress.
(Did you notice his new haircut?)

GrAcIaS por ViSiTaRnOs!
ThAnKs for StOpPiNg By!


  1. Very nice project! Good for you for allowing him more time. I always try to tell my kids to slow down you can finish it later, otherwise the may rush through it then become frustrated if it didn't turn out the way they had wanted it to. YN is so cute,nice haircut. Thank you for sharing.

  2. waoo..super mona la Carabela!!Se nota que se pusieron mucho trabajo en hacerla..Se le ve super guapo con su nuevo corte de cabello : )

  3. Que bella quedo!!!!!!....que concentracion y arduo trabajo!!! y que bello el resultado!!! FELICIDADES!


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