
Sunday, January 31, 2010


Estos fueron 2 hojas de sellitos con pega (pegatinas) que nos regalaron en el cumpleanos de mi sobrina Ariadna.  Tuvimos una actividad bien bonita donde mis 2 traviesos hicieron cada uno su propio arte.
These are 2 sticker sheets we got at my niece's birthday, Ariadna. We had a very nice activity where my 2 rascals created their own art work.

Ay, esos creyones! Que dificil es lograr que Ym use creyones!
Crayons, crayons! How difficult it is to make Ym use crayons!

Que bueno es ver a Yn ensenandole a su hermanito...
How nice it is to see Yn teaching his baby brother...

Ambos le dedicaron su trabajo a su papa.
They both dedicated their work to their daddy.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Aunque habia visto esta actividad en LITTLE FINGERS BIG DREAMS no fue hasta que vi este video que pude entender la importancia de la misma.
I have seen this activity in LITTLE FINGERS BIG DREAMS for the first time. But it wasn't until I saw this video that I really understood (or "saw")the importance of it.

Premio de LA MIEL / THE HONEY Award

Recibi este premio de mi amiga Natasha de LEPTIR.
Estoy segura que todos ya saben lo ESPECTACULAR que es este blog, y Natasha, ni se diga!!!
I got this award from my friend Natasha from LEPTIR.
I'm sure everyone knows how SPECTACULAR this blog is, not to mention Natasha!!!

Las Reglas  /  The Rules:
Nombrar seis cosas importantes para mí. Regalar el premio a seis blog-amigos.
Name six things that are important to me. Pass this award along to six bloggy-friends.

6 Cosas Importantes para mi  /  6 Imp. Things to me:
Dios, Mi Esposo, Paz en mi Hogar, Crianza y Educacion de mis Hijos, Salud, Amor
God, My Husband, Peace at Home, Raising & Educating my children, Health, Love

Blog-Amigos que les regalo el premio:  /  Bloggy-Friends I pass this award to:

Tengo otros premios pendientes de recibir. Disculpenme, pero estoy atrasada con mi blog. :(
I have other awards I need to post. My apologies to all of you as I am a little behind on my blog.  :(

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Homeschooling TALENT SHOW 2009

 La Noche de Talentos de los "homeschoolers" se acerca pronto... Esta vez Yn espera participar en piano y la exhibicion de arte. Estas fotos son de la Noche de Talentos de febrero 2009. La chica que esta con Yn es una de sus mejores amigas.
Espero que su mama no se moleste conmigo...  :-s
The 2010 Homeschooling TALENT SHOW is coming soon... Only, this time Yn is hoping to play the piano and show his art work at the exhibition. These pictures were taken during last year's Talent Show on February 2009. The girl next to Yn is one of his best friends.
I hope her mom doesn't get mad at me for this...  :-s


Estos son las varas rojas que mi amiga Nancy me presto. Son hechas en casa, y lo mejor de todo es que, por un lado son rojas y por el otro... son las varas rojas y azules que se usan para contar. Muy creativo!
Se las presente el lunes a Ym, y desde entonces, no las ha tocado mas.  El insistia que la vara mas pequena (color roja solamente) no servia .
Ya veremos que se nos ocurre...
These are the red rods I borrowed from my friend Nancy. They are homemade, and best of all, they are red on one side, then you flip them have the number rods. How creative!
The lesson was demonstrated to Ym on Monday, however, he hasn't touched them ever since.
He kept saying the shortest rod (red only) wasn't working.
We'll see what happens next...


Pareo de Animales de la Granja
Matching Farm Animals

lamina y objeto  /  picture to object

objeto y objeto  /  object to object


Teaching how to use a Knife... and dividing

This is the story of a cute little kid who wanted to have a snack.
He wanted to have BIMBO mini cakes... all 3 of them!
And mommy, trying to avoid a  high SUGAR intake, decided to take this to another level:

"Hey, why don't we SHARE the mini cakes."
"Ok, mom. One for Yn, one for mommy, and one for me."
(Right after that he gave his cake a bite.)

"That's OK honey. I don't want any."
Why don't you share MY MINI CAKE with your brother?"

Of course, this is what came to his mind:

"Ok, honey. Why don't we DIVIDE my mini cake in half?
(And here came mom's big chance to show the kid how to use a knife)

And this, my friend, is the story of the cute little kid who LEARNED to divide 3 objects into
2 "equal" parts.

Now he wants HALF of everything!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mas TAPAS para Abrir y Cerrar / More LIDS to Open and Close

Nunca le había presentado esta actividad formalmente a Ym. Y considerando que antes de los 2 años había estado abriendo y cerrando frascos, uno pensaría que sería aburrido o extremadamente fácil para él. Pero no fue así… Esta actividad vale la pena presentarla muy en especial si tienes frascos de diferentes tamaños.
I have never demonstrated this lesson to Ym. He’s been opening and closing lids before he was 2 years old. So, considering this, you would think it would be boring or extremely easy for him. But it was not… You should give this activity a try, especially if you have bottles of different sizes.

Clasificando Bloques de Colores / Colored Blocks Sorting

Esta actividad de clasificar por color no le interesó mucho a Ym ya que hizo 2 ó 3 bloques de cada color y… al igual que haría DASH de la película Los Increíbles… SALIO CORRIENDO!. Pienso que deben ser una de dos: se aburrió o necesita mas concentración.
Qué creen ustedes?
Ym wasn’t too interested in this sorting by color activity. He sorted 2 or 3 blocks of each color and then… just like DASH from The Incredibles movie would do… HE RAN AWAY!. I think it could’ve been one of two things: boredom or lack of concentration.
What do you think?

Monday, January 25, 2010

La PALETA de Nesquick / The Nestle SCOOP

Cuando agarras a tu chico haciendo esto...
When you catch your kiddo doing this...


...debes entender que esta listo para la presentacion de la paleta o "scoop". should understand he's ready for the scooping demonstration.

Y esto es exactamente lo que hicimos hoy...con habichuelas!
This is exactly what we did today...with beans!

Mis 2 chicos hicieron la actividad aunque yo no obligo al de 7 años. El se antoja hacerlas.
Both of my kids did the scooping activity. But I swear I don't make my 7 yo do them! He volunteers.

Materiales de VIDA PRACTICA / PRACTICAL LIFE Materials

No estaba segura de publicar esto, pero pensando en todos mis amigos que viven en PR decidi hacerlo...
Estos son algunos materiales que he conseguido en la tienda CAPRI para VIDA PRACTICA. Espero la informacion le sea util a alguien.
I wasn't sure about this post, but then I figured, this information could help my friends from PR after all...
These are some of the PRACTICAL LIFE materials I have found in this store called CAPRI, a local store in PR. I hope it helps someone.

Conjunto de Accesorios de Cocina MINIATURA
"Stainless Steal" MINI Kitchen Set

Tenazas MINI de 7''
7" MINI Tongs

Recipiente para CLASIFICAR 8" x 8"
8" x 8" SORTING Bin  

Conjunto de 4 Tacitas y Platillos en Loza
4 MINI Porcelain Coffee Set


El enfoque principal de esta actividad era aprender a usar la espatula, la grande y pequena. Pero, aprovechamos la ocasion para hacer pareo de numeros y aumentar nuestro vocabulario. Me encanta interconecar destrezas!
This activity's main purpose was to learn to use the spatula, the big and small one. But, we also did some number matching and vocabulary, too. How lovely it is to overlap skills!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sticks and Beads

Hay veces que necesito entretener a mis chicos, especialmente cuando estoy en la cocina.  Entonces, hago un esfuerzo SOBREHUMANO para no ponerle la TV, aunque en ocasiones no lo logro. Afortunadamente, las ideas practicas y educativas de otros blogs te llegan a tu mente! Esto es un ejemplo vivo de ello.
La actividad de los palitos de madera la saque de ONE HOOK WONDER y la de las cuentas de algo parecido en THE ADVENTURES OF BEAR, y LEPTIR. Gracias Nicole, "The girl who painted trees" y Natasa.
There are times when I need to keep my kids busy, especially when I'm in the kitchen. Then, I try REALLY REALLY hard not to use the TV as my baby sitter, although I slip sometimes. Fortunately, some practical yet educational blog ideas come to my mind!
The wood sticks idea came from ONE HOOK WONDER and the Beads idea from THE ADVENTURES OF BEAR, and LEPTIR (with a slight variation).
Thanks Nicole, "The girl who painted trees" and Natasa.

Cuchareando Arroz Y Habichuelas / Spooning Rice AND Beans

Mis dos chicos estan bien interesados en CUCHAREAR...
Pues, los deje que cucharearan todo lo que quisieran!
Both of my kids are very interested in SPOONING...
Well, spooning it is!

Jugaron a que estaban cocinando de verdad.
They were actually playing together and making believe they were cooking.

Ym hasta le sirvio arroz y habichuelas a papa, y queria que se lo comiera de verdad.
Ym even served Daddy some rice and beans, and actually wanted him to eat it.

Agrupando Objetos de la Misma Clase / Sorting into Matching Sets

Esta idea la tome del libro "Teach Me to Do It Myself" de Maja Pitamic.  La actividad es una preparacion para las matematicas. Mas adelante, esperamos progresar a clasificar por color, tamano y forma usando los mismos objetos. Pero buscare otros objetos mas apropiados para esto. Que de donde salieron los circulos rojos? Bueno, estos son las tapas de los espaghetis Chef-Boy-Ardee, la version que viene para microhondas.
I took this idea from Maja Pitamic's book titled Teach Me to Do It Myself. It's considered a pre-math activity. In the future, we expect to progress to sorting a same group of objects by color, size and shape. But I will need to find the appropriate objects for this activity. Where did I get the red circles? Well, these are the Chef-Boy-Ardee spaghetti lids, the microwavable ones.